"I think I've had an academic breakthrough"

Two Christians, a Palestinian Musilim and a Hungarian Jew walk into a bar. Alright so that was a little trite. We didn't actually go to a bar--or well, we haven't yet. We're just roommates. In Tel Aviv. Well I guess I can go home now, seeing as peace is at hand right?

It's Wednesday night--which is basically my program's equivalent of a Friday. My lovely roommate Denise pops up from her bed where she's been reading and in a very hushed voice murmurs,

"I think I've had an academic breakthrough." She starts pacing the room and then whips her microeconomics book off her bed and onto the edge of her desk to show me. "Look at this gibberish. At first you would think..." I watch her gush with something like pride swelling in my chest and then giggle as she catches Majd on her way from the bathroom and summons her to our chambers.

Majd and Denise are a part of the University's MBA program. Majd's roommate--my partner in crime and my personal real life Ziva David--Laura, is an Archaeology master's candidate and a former ballerina for the Hungarian ballet (WHAT.THE ACTUAL.HUH?). She's 21. TWENTYONE. In any case, they are just some of the amazing people I've the privilege of befriending here in Israel. Opp. Yep there it is. This is the long awaited, "Hey I'm living in Israel, how did that happenwhat'sgoingonmoreinforplease??" post. I am officially (and as of this posting have been for a while) a master's student at Tel Aviv University. My focus? Conflict Resolution and Mediation. Boom. It's totally inspired, right? My interest in international relations, traveling, negotiation and other cultures? Durr, I'll just be a Conflict Resolution specialist and Mediator!

So now you know! Officially anyway!

                                         Little ditty I put together walking around one day


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Blogger news

So I have been hinting at this, but just to confirm all of your suspicions, yes, I am Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die. In all seriousness, I am once again abroad--In Israel now--and once things have settled into some form of normalcy I will begin to blog about my experiences here--and they are many!



More often than not, I read blogs that serve as daily diaries of a sort or review trollops (not that I don't enjoy my review strumpets). Astrum Umbrarum (or "of star shadows" as the Latin is translated), lies somewhere in between, as I have discovered over the years. Life Reviews. As I live, and travel, create and explore, I will discover beautiful things. This space is where I hope to share those things with all the snark they deserve.